Monday, July 9, 2007

Convert Sony Duo To Sd


Hello my friends, before going on vacation the latest news leaves us with a curious touch of pure and harsh reality. Maybe I should not be so but the reality is what it is, although many do not like or do not want to recognize. After receiving a notice from my reliable sources put me to work to prepare this article. The information itself is an interview with the SER to Dan Gillmor (theory of citizen journalism.) According says the chain is an expert considered the father of participatory journalism and gives lectures in courses on journalism. Moving my eyes down on the screen I read the first question from a netizen, could say that's the key question, which many citizens to the reality we are journalistic

Do you think the university qualification period is needed for this profession?

To which Dan Gillmor said,

I think not. But a good education and training is very important. I have no academic training as a journalist but I was a professional journalist for over 25 years. Go to college and learn to think and ask good questions is essential.

After reading what I think I prepared myself for a long time to look into various biographies current journalists:

Luis del Olmo: Attended School of Mines and a course of Radio.

Jesus de Polanco (President of PRISA): Degree in Law.

Jesus Moreno (Director of Country): He has a degree in chemistry, industrial specialty, from the University of Valencia and as such served in Germany before, in 1992, the Master of Journalism who teaches the University of Madrid and the country. Jimenez Losantos

: He studied Philosophy in Saragossa, and 1971se moved to pursue the specialty of English Studies Central University of Barcelona.

Jose Antonio Zarzalejos : (Director, ABC): A journalist and a law degree from the University of Deusto, simultaneous legal career, is counsel in opposition to the Provincial Council of Vizcaya, and the newspaper from 1978 to 1989, where he joined the Grupo Correo. Ana Blanco

(English TV journalist): Studied pedagogy at the University of Deusto and English and French.

I'm not saying that there are no graduates of elite Priodismo Journalism, there are like Peter J. Ramirez and Lorenzo Mila and I do not say that journalism is not important or not is the fourth factual, so if you think that anyone with a good general education and college can be a journalist, politician or writer.

That if, engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects can not be all the world only those who have been trained in that specific field.


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