Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Many Temazepam Is Lethal

Polish "yuvenalschiki" at work.

iereys wrote:

Ideological good unified European Union and the direct consequences of these "universal" benefits have come and the land of Poland. History, as we know, develops in a spiral, but, again, turns into a farce. True, a farce to call it too difficult. Rather, it is fascism. Innovative fascism. No, it's probably worse than fascism, since Ordinary Fascism had its overvalued ideas. These "fascists" have no idea overvalued, but simply - valuable: money ...
See More:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gremlins And Airplanes

THEIR SUPPORT FAMILY AND MODERNIZATION. Putin: dowry - a tool to support young families. "

Originally posted by [info] delyagin at THEIR SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES AND MODERNIZATION. Putin: dowry - a tool to support young families. "
This is no joke. This is the official site of premiere Putin, in which every sneeze and the reservation was corrected and cleaned his office.

Note: TALK ABOUT PUTIN Dowry beginning of the name - and still have a with regard to its growth from 12.5 to 30 thousand: "We should not give rise to inflationary expectations."
words correctly - I just wonder why they do not apply to buckwheat? on wheat? for fruits and vegetables? on utility bills? on urban transport, blah?
Why the need to avoid causing inflation expectations limited to only a specific area, as dowry?

However, the result of official spell is the same as in housing: a mad growth.
involuntarily recollected, that Putin's two daughters - surely, he that expects dopdohod the family budget?

As written Strugatskie: MRAC. Ages. And burn the city dump " - That the whole policy of our leadership.
We deliberately pushed into the Middle Ages. Hands and feet. Struggling. That's all their modernization. 95/events/11311 /

Jc Penney Salon/hair Straightening

Puzzles: who controls the Kremlin television?

original name - E. Malysheva and member

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ultrasound Images Of Ovarian Cancer


Svanidze received Brown Goebbels from readers. Chosen Chief calumniator our history, the 2010. Intrigue failed. Readers resources and voted for Nikolai Karlovich Svanidze, defining it as the chief liar and slanderer of the history of our country. Details here:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pvc Pipe Freezing Temperatures


found in one of the communities here is, once again reminiscent of that liberalism, everything else, and disease.

«Take Khodorkovsky's Square! Friends, comrades! Artist Catherine Belyavskaya invites all who empathizes with Mikhail Khodorkovsky, to give his freedom - at least virtually.
Download this mask, print, photo taken in her and publish these photos!
And by the way, I think there is a first organized flash mob with these masks conduct during the ordinary shares on the Square on January 31 under the "Strategy 31."
Freedom Mikhail Khodorkovsky !
For your and our freedom! »

But that's not all.

«31 January in front of Russian embassy in Tel Aviv will be another rally in support of "strategy-31" which JUMEIRAH BEACH RESIDENCE keep all opazitsionnye Kremlin forces and which aims to uphold the constitutional the rights of Russian citizens. "
Either the guys have finally lost their adequate perception of reality, or who got chutzpah, is already open declare themselves as a fifth column of the Washington Regional Committee. In any case, political activity, political action, all this can not be called. After all, only in delirium can be imagined as a kind of initiative group in Russia, picketing the embassy of Israel in order to support the N-Noy article constitution of this country.
Incidentally, the idea of picketing the Russian embassy belongs to a certain Goldfarb from the chapel of Berezovsky in London. " Yes, in principle, they do not deny ...

lyarva (Latin larva - a ghost, mask, mask. Other values refer to Wikipedia and Wiktionary)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mitchum Deodorant Sayings

Ekibastuz Solzhenitsyn's denunciation

Originally posted by [info] varjag_2007 at Ekibastuz denunciation of Solzhenitsyn


most well-known "exploit" Solzhenitsyn-informer - the so-called «Ekibastuz denunciation », who helped the authorities violently suppressed an uprising in the bud of the Ukrainian nationalists in the camp in Ekibastuz (Kazakhstan). Since socialism - It's accounting and control, all the papers that ever fell into the archives of the KGB, there carefully preserved (and remain today). ( Read more ... )