Friday, January 28, 2011

Gremlins And Airplanes

THEIR SUPPORT FAMILY AND MODERNIZATION. Putin: dowry - a tool to support young families. "

Originally posted by [info] delyagin at THEIR SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES AND MODERNIZATION. Putin: dowry - a tool to support young families. "
This is no joke. This is the official site of premiere Putin, in which every sneeze and the reservation was corrected and cleaned his office.

Note: TALK ABOUT PUTIN Dowry beginning of the name - and still have a with regard to its growth from 12.5 to 30 thousand: "We should not give rise to inflationary expectations."
words correctly - I just wonder why they do not apply to buckwheat? on wheat? for fruits and vegetables? on utility bills? on urban transport, blah?
Why the need to avoid causing inflation expectations limited to only a specific area, as dowry?

However, the result of official spell is the same as in housing: a mad growth.
involuntarily recollected, that Putin's two daughters - surely, he that expects dopdohod the family budget?

As written Strugatskie: MRAC. Ages. And burn the city dump " - That the whole policy of our leadership.
We deliberately pushed into the Middle Ages. Hands and feet. Struggling. That's all their modernization. 95/events/11311 /


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