Thursday, June 28, 2007

Is Fake

Do you know what is democracy? YOUTH FOOTBALL CONGRATULATIONS

Church Hi all again today to give a twist to the dark side of the regressive, imposing a majority of 2 / 3 for a papabile be crowned pope. John Paul II stated that after 33 votes without getting that majority could approve the coronation papabili one of the absolute majority but now even that. Lords

a tiny body of outdated and Carcass vegestório papabili autoelijan I think it is a democratic failure very, very big.

all know that the church is always going to queue for the changes but is well gentlemen.

is time to democratize the Catholic Church. Although papabili are the same people who have chosen to be the representatives of the Catholic Church, that is (not only but tb papabili any parish priests anywhere in the world where there is a Catholic parish) of nuns or speak because that would be a second revolution (the equality of women in the Church). Lords

learn a little more about Jesus Christ and his apostles. Adapt to society and society will respond with a yes to the Church.

Hello friends

Sunday, June 24, 2007

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Popular Movement, the Alba has won the 2007 Youth Cup after winning 1-2 against Valencia CF youth Velez (Malaga). He has played with 10 men for much of the game and the final has been imposed on Valencia CF. My sincere
enorabuena at Albacete Balompié youth has achieved what adults do, work and fight for a few colors, a club that has been running since 1940 and has been successful at different stages of its history.
This is the beginning of fututro close of Alba, a dawn that people trained in the house (wherever they come) again to shine and surprise.
Now it's up to managers to solve the economic problems and youth up to the first team and put us back on the map fubolístico.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How To Make Dj Skirts

Where is the opposition?

In the years of the dictatorship of Franco, a British Parliament delegation visited the English Cortes. The MPs sat in the VIP accompanied the Courts by a prosecutor who spoke English.

At one point, a visitor asked the English Attorney:
And here, where the opposition sits?.

The prosecutor did not know that answer as he said the first thing that popped into his head:
- is a bit scattered throughout the chamber.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Belt Buckles For Decorating


The football league has come to an end, at the end and after some years of drought, the Real Madrid back to the top of the standings after the 38 days.

Barcelona is played after a brilliant first round and was second in qualifying.

Sevilla team that aspires to everything in League and already have in their showcases 2 cups EU . FA, left a bad taste mouth to her fans at the final home game of the season and will have to play a preview of the Champions League. In my opinion this has been the more consistent team all season and deserves more than a third in the league but the points charge.

The fourth place, which aspired to something more than harvested this season, has not kept pace and it is time to rectify and make self-criticism. In my view the cycle that Quique is the past and now must begin to mature a new project to take us to the top of the classification and get a good position in the Champions League. Ferrando Valencia!

enter the Cup of EU . FA quite attractive two teams from the football point of view: Villarreal (with a final apotheosis with 8 league games without defeat) and Zaragoza in the last days have already noticed the fatigue of the long term, to fight for l binds to spend a few minutes on the last journey outside the European places . The third in this struggle is the "pupae" in the English league. The Aguirre lately do anything, I think they need another year in the well to see if smart.

At the bottom Real Sociedad Celta and fall into the abyss of the second division (let's not so bad) the Betis spent 10 minutes in second but the eighty minutes entrains a party that brought him back to first despite the victory of Celta Vigo. Could not be, the Ath. Bilbao (with 106 straight years of history in first division) will continue one more in the elite with its policy of "only play Basque hear."

congratulate the R. Valladolid, Almeria and R. Murcia (panochos, green bellies) for its entry into the top flight.

This has been the league with more emotion d in recent years and I thank you all for your work. That if I think the purpose for the coming years should be to get off some players wages and prices come down entries.

This season soon will be remembered as a historic and so now we anticipate a Popular Movement and the same place as news of the day in our Locked

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Handwritten Will Sample


British Prime Minister said "deeply disliked by General Franco and the government of country as the" ... " continuous cold-blooded executions of men who had been imprisoned more than six years in English jails and other atrocities perpetrated by the Franco regime were repugnant and undemocratic "

; Shortly before Franco had issued a letter to British Prime an alliance against the great Soviet threat, the latter forwarded the correspondence to Roosevelt and Stalin

Churchill in Potsdam insisted the displeasure of the English Regime "and even he hated"

Despite the insistence of Stalin, Mr. Churchill said "all governments were free to express their own opinion"

; He said he understood the feelings of Stalin over the issue of Blue Division , but ruled saying that "Spain could severely damaged during Operation Torch, when our forces were concentrated in the Bay of Algeciras, did nothing in this sense "

Let each one do a reading of the attitude of W. Churchill. "We got rid of another war? Were you Franco? You wanted to avoid more power to Stalin? "He protected British interests in the Strait of Gibraltar?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mid Price Receiver, For Musical

One of the many problems faced by the English democracy in the beginning was the relationship with the most reactionary sectors of the military. We all know the famous coup attempt of February 23, 1981, where some soldiers under the command of the deputies seized Tejero.
Although only remember that episode was another coup. On October 27 of 1982 was preparing a coup, a day of reflection about elections. The arrests made so serious that the interests of Spain, was aborted on October 2, 1982 following the arrests of the military coup at dawn and after the information gathered by the Center for Advanced Defense Information (CSID) .
After frustrating the coup, the documentation collection, appeared the name of the operation and its objectives.
frustrated operation was called Operation Cervantes. Its main objectives were some of the civilian and military elements most important in English:

- Palacio de la Zarzuela (residence of the King)
- Moncloa Palace (residence of the Prime Minister)
Home Office - The headquarters of the three
Army - Army Communications Systems
- All state security services
- English Radio and Television (RTVE)

These documents also were told of the mode of action is claimed to act with the utmost forcefulness and to employ any system to neutralize their superiors.
On October 2, the day they are arrested the coup leaders, the preparation of the coup was already well advanced.
This even when he is president Calvo - Sotelo (outgoing president) but not for long since few days later, the PSOE won the general election and becomes President Felipe Gonzalez. The latter is immediately informed of the facts and decide not to air the issue too.

This episode will not be the last coup in 1985 and will be another attempt cleared by the intelligence services. This time their mode of action would be in the form of higher attacks against state institutions by placing a bomb under the podium where they were the King, the Prince of Asturias President Government and other senior officials in the military parade on Armed Forces Day (June 2, 1985).
The president Felipe Gonzalez and senior officials hid the issue because Spain signed ten days after his admission to the EEC and nobody was willing to European countries will back the time to accept Spain as Member right flat EEC (now EU).

After 30 years now I wonder: is it possible that the speech and subsequent arrest of Gen. Mena had something to do with an attempted coup? Why Jose Bono before leaving the defense portfolio percentage rose relatively high salaries of the military? Is it what was discontent? Did coup attempt?

Perhaps these questions will be answered within another 25 or 30 years. Express your opinion you think about it you

Thursday, June 14, 2007

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I confess a shameful secret. Sometimes I feel vibrations. Read that right. Really, I swear, I camninando the street and feel the phone vibrate in my pocket but when I catch him and look at the screen, no one has called . Creepy, right? Worth Iker Jiménez.

This is the typical problem do not tell anyone, confession to make friends, laughing and getting people to shut up, I look with serious gesture and a few inches apart. Before yesterday, however, USA Today published a story on the phenomenon of phantom vibration. I'm not alone.


Canadian Garrety, web designer, had the same problem and said in his blog. More than 30 people also feel assured phantom phone vibrations . Some attributed it to muscle memory of the area in which we tend to take the phone-in my case, the left thigh, "others to damage nerves.

The explanation, it seems, is simpler and has no physical component. There are no studies about it but everything points to a psychological response , a habit he acquired brain base constantly receiving calls that come into play when we want to communicate. "A test of the importance of communications today and the desire to be constantly connected," they say in the article. It's another nice way of saying that, yes, I'm going Tarumba and my mind plays dirty with my muscles.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Boston Butt On An Egg

Now we present one of the most curious sights (pun intended) of our recent history, the current Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain, Mr. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero promised in the 2003 election campaign to approve the Catalan statute to leave the Catalan parliament, that if in January 2006 in the chain in front of his journalist Four favorite, Mr. Iñaki Gabilondo, already president, because in 2003 still was not denied this claim and lied to all English. =

Then there was an unconstitutional statute was subsequently amended and approved in a referendum with little legitimacy, because they went to the polls and almost half of the Catalans. First
promises things he can not comply, then retracted, then approved another thing not content to anyone.

is just one example of a historical constant: The lies of political leaders

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historical lies "Viking funeral

early tenth century Ahmad Ibn Fadlan was sent as ambassador of the Caliph of Baghdad, had occasion to watch the funeral rites held by Vikings who had arrived in their forays to the river Volga. His story is really interesting.

"One day killed one of the leaders of the Viking expedition and Ambassador funeral rites could follow from beginning to end. To begin with the body placed in a temporary grave on which installed a roof and there was rough for ten days while he concocted the costumes mortuary.

"If the deceased was a poor man built a makeshift boat in which he placed and burned later. But if it was a rich man, his fortune made three parts: one for his family, another for clothes and other mortuary to prepare a strong drink called nabidh, that the relatives and friends of the deceased drank non-stop until the day of the cremation of the body.

"When a major character dies the family ask their slaves, men and women who want to die with him and accompany the deceased to the grave. If someone says 'I' can not turn back.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Personality Disorders Attract

conflict ended?

conflict in the Falklands often heard the voice of Argentina and the United Kingdom, nations went to war 25 years ago. But how do you feel being in the middle island of the tug between the two countries?

archipelago's government often complains that Buenos Aires does not recognize it or take it into account in the discussion on sovereignty archipelago.

addition states that the administration of Néstor Kirchner is "sabotaging" its economy, which in Buenos Aires refused.

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The Passion was not the author of "No Pasaran" Welcome to the Popular Movement

This phrase became famous during the Civil War a watchword among Republicans who wanted to prevent the passage of the fascists. No nation, however this slogan in France twenty years earlier. The historian and writer Néstor Luján places the origin at the Battle of Verdun who led Philippe Petain during World War I (1916) and who later became Marshal and chief of the Vichy government which collaborated with Hitler.

historian Pedro Voltes clarifies that the true 'il ne pas passeront ", Pétain would not be the same, but an officer of his, Robert Georges Nivelle, "more suited to the rhetoric, art for which he was completely denied the quarterback."

Luján theory has been supported by a book by journalist Agustín Calvet called Verdun. This book explains that the French soldiers repeated after the first battles, "passeront Ne pas, mon Dieu, ne pas passeront" and the mountain where the heaviest fighting occurred is crowned by a monument with the legend "Il ne pas passeront." The success of the phrase, original or copied, was consolidated in the English Civil War.

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Hello everyone it's time for a new page of historical curiosities today and soon we will have the opportunity to see something different on our computers.