Friday, June 15, 2007

Mid Price Receiver, For Musical

One of the many problems faced by the English democracy in the beginning was the relationship with the most reactionary sectors of the military. We all know the famous coup attempt of February 23, 1981, where some soldiers under the command of the deputies seized Tejero.
Although only remember that episode was another coup. On October 27 of 1982 was preparing a coup, a day of reflection about elections. The arrests made so serious that the interests of Spain, was aborted on October 2, 1982 following the arrests of the military coup at dawn and after the information gathered by the Center for Advanced Defense Information (CSID) .
After frustrating the coup, the documentation collection, appeared the name of the operation and its objectives.
frustrated operation was called Operation Cervantes. Its main objectives were some of the civilian and military elements most important in English:

- Palacio de la Zarzuela (residence of the King)
- Moncloa Palace (residence of the Prime Minister)
Home Office - The headquarters of the three
Army - Army Communications Systems
- All state security services
- English Radio and Television (RTVE)

These documents also were told of the mode of action is claimed to act with the utmost forcefulness and to employ any system to neutralize their superiors.
On October 2, the day they are arrested the coup leaders, the preparation of the coup was already well advanced.
This even when he is president Calvo - Sotelo (outgoing president) but not for long since few days later, the PSOE won the general election and becomes President Felipe Gonzalez. The latter is immediately informed of the facts and decide not to air the issue too.

This episode will not be the last coup in 1985 and will be another attempt cleared by the intelligence services. This time their mode of action would be in the form of higher attacks against state institutions by placing a bomb under the podium where they were the King, the Prince of Asturias President Government and other senior officials in the military parade on Armed Forces Day (June 2, 1985).
The president Felipe Gonzalez and senior officials hid the issue because Spain signed ten days after his admission to the EEC and nobody was willing to European countries will back the time to accept Spain as Member right flat EEC (now EU).

After 30 years now I wonder: is it possible that the speech and subsequent arrest of Gen. Mena had something to do with an attempted coup? Why Jose Bono before leaving the defense portfolio percentage rose relatively high salaries of the military? Is it what was discontent? Did coup attempt?

Perhaps these questions will be answered within another 25 or 30 years. Express your opinion you think about it you


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