Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Imperia On Line Cheats

historical lies "Viking funeral

early tenth century Ahmad Ibn Fadlan was sent as ambassador of the Caliph of Baghdad, had occasion to watch the funeral rites held by Vikings who had arrived in their forays to the river Volga. His story is really interesting.

"One day killed one of the leaders of the Viking expedition and Ambassador funeral rites could follow from beginning to end. To begin with the body placed in a temporary grave on which installed a roof and there was rough for ten days while he concocted the costumes mortuary.

"If the deceased was a poor man built a makeshift boat in which he placed and burned later. But if it was a rich man, his fortune made three parts: one for his family, another for clothes and other mortuary to prepare a strong drink called nabidh, that the relatives and friends of the deceased drank non-stop until the day of the cremation of the body.

"When a major character dies the family ask their slaves, men and women who want to die with him and accompany the deceased to the grave. If someone says 'I' can not turn back.


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