Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Real boys.

President Dmitry Medvedev said he intends to soon give full attention to the problem of unemployment .
"In the near future, I intend to give considerable attention to the subject of unemployment, despite the fact that lately there is a substantial reduction in unemployment ", - said Medvedev.
leaders of parliamentary factions are planning to discuss with President Dmitry Medvedev problem employment and combat unemployment .
"The key topic of discussion will be employment-related issues. We believe that solving the problems of unemployment, the provision the population with jobs - it is now one of the top priorities "- said Gryzlov told reporters.

Comrades probably do not know, a few years, due to the so-called "Reform" education in the labor market will be thrown a huge array of unskilled labor - those real kids , who made the wrong choice between the objects of study. Those who never learned how to be R / R =?, At what temperature boiling water, but who are firmly convinced that Beethoven - the name of the Dutch football club.

Comrades probably not figured out what financial and social burden on society is a lie - here, and unemployment and a surge of crime (to be) and, as a derivative - all the same, but the police, chaos (in fact, the ranks of law enforcement agencies will be replenished by the same semi-literate « real lads, so and who found a place in the real same sector).

And the question arises: why, what is it all, why place these liberal "reforms" which only exacerbate the dire state of the state and society?
But, let's see what he wrote Kommersant »09.03.2009
« Centralized Independent testing in Russia began to develop in the early 90's to the initiative and with the participation of universities, schools, alumni and applicants. That is about At the same time when Congress U.S. adopted the Law "On Freedom for Russia and Eurasian Democracies and support of open markets." The project itself CT was developed in cooperation with American advisers .
Since the development of democracy in Russia for 16 years, the U.S. government has been allocated more than $ 11.4 billion, $ 1,5-2 billion of whom went on to reform education and science, part of which is the introduction and USE
. For eight years (it as the experiment lasted) to carry out CT has contributed more than $ 1 billion: about $ 400 million from the federal budget more than $ 400 million of regional and municipal funds, the rest - the various grants, including the U.S.. "

In principle, I think that not enough will. To destroy the orderly, sane, the best, the Soviet education system and not give anything in return, $ 1,5-2 billion . - A small, small amount (sorry, even once). But apparently, "real boys" of Washington and Langley all figured out. Their money - they know better. Especially, the experience they have there - in fact, starting with the so-called "Privatization" of the early 90's, no "reform" can not do without them.
Recall coordinator of U.S. aid » former Soviet republics, Richard Morningstar:
«If we had not funded Chubais, could we win the battle for privatization? Probably No ».
of industry and science Americans are pretty" worked. " Village, after joining the WTO ( to us so obstinately pulling all the same Yankees ) will disappear completely. Uneducated, and therefore unskilled labor would not stand competition with the flow of migrants from Central Asia ...
Well, what can give a conference on the problems of unemployment? Will be discussed: «... need .. need to be strengthened .., should be supported ...» and other traditional mantra (see further «generator speeches»
). And, everyone! Everything will remain the same, the country will move to elections "scheduled previous course - a course of "stability" and equanimity.
meeting will not help. Too late to confer. Prosoveschalis ....


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