Monday, February 21, 2011

Transparent Particles Floating Urine

Nlouin littlegirlblu7 @ 2011-02-21T17: 59:00

just need patience, you have peace of mind.
need many things. While my earthly body
sits where so often sat, while everything passes and it is still there.
Well then I need you there. I need you as these days, with me.
I need you.
But this is like a roller coaster, you know, I know, we all know. First everything is great, then something is wrong, then everything is going great, then I fall apart, then you do it, then do we see and love as ever, after a fight behind , s of another, a week without seeing each other and then one you want. And then after all this comes the beginning.
Otherwise we would not be us. But now I'm tired. And I want to stay up here forever.


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