Friday, February 18, 2011

What Reptiles Are Best For The Home


«Medvedev told save the Olympic Games in Sochi
from Georgia Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the need to protect the 2014 Winter Olympics Sochi from any possible provocations, reported on Feb. 18 RIA Novosti.
Head of State noted that there were "some problems" associated with Georgia and requiring the attention of law enforcement agencies, diplomats, and Russian law enforcement agencies. "
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God, you really originally it was not clear that the Olympics in Sochi - it put it next to Russia, a country with not addressing the economic, social, interethnic problems! Especially, at least, not yet polyhnuvshem, but in the ever-smoldering, the North Caucasus region (where some spontaneous changes of climate in the winter which are worth!).
And no one has thought of that, it was too easy, we got it ...
And why do the Americans, its puppet in Georgia is clearly screwed up and discredited 08/08/2008 their owners, not a substitute for something similar, but not so psihopatichnoe.

And so apparently nobody had the idea to link the non-recognition South Ossetia and Abkhazia (even Belarus) with the terms of the games - it was clear that all conspired to, something waiting, waiting for something ...
No none of anything like, apparently, not thought - probably brains were busy with something else.

French, creative people, and understand something, and hint us that the symbol of the Olympics may not be those stupid Teletubbies (type, "dolls") who are so energetically promoting on TV,

a real Russian dolls, but a different kind.

(NB: This movie, though, and ordered Amnesty International, but its content is much deeper and more symbolic than the author's idea).

UPD: U.S. decided to intervene in a dispute over the Kuril Islands.
U.S. State Department said he supported Japan in its dispute with Russia over the Kuril Islands.

It is possible that the Japanese would try to play the "Olympic map" in connection with the islands. Support them and the Americans - their position They are indicated. Others may follow, and others - ostensibly, not for "political reasons", and of "security reasons»:
Kabardino-Balkaria killed three tourists from Moscow
Elbrus cable car blew

But the main thing - it's all originally were counted! Will all then - "rose from the knees!


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